ARUCI Project: Our Fourth Year Design Work

We turned my phone into a universal remote that uses augmented reality. We can track the location of objects and identify them in real time, so we can overlay an icon representing the object on the video shown on the touchscreen. Simply click on the object to interact with it. It’s all wireless, no base station required. Actual video is 1080p, I recommend you view it full screen. Presentation slides: without notes and with notes Photos: Our group did circuit and PCB design, we did the soldering, we designed the phone casing, we designed all the IR and RF protocols, we wrote our own firmware and Android app. We have many visions on how to improve our system. We know how to improve our noise and interference immunity, plus increase the tracking speed performance. We have several ideas on how to make the phone-attached-circuit less bulky. We know how to use multiple emitters to estimate the object’s size and orientation. We are trying to gauge interest in our project, to see whether or not to continue the project, and in which direction to take it in. Abstract (exactly as we submitted it) Augmented reality provides individuals with a virtually enhancedmethod of viewing and interacting with the world around them. TheAugmented Reality Universal Controller and Identifier (ARUCI) is areal-time system that integrates remote object control with augmentedreality to view and control various objects through an interactivevisual interface that can be…