Wireless Camera Controller:Alpha-Fairy

I made(*) this tiny remote control for Sony Alpha cameras. Preface This is an open source firmware project. I wrote the source code for this project in Arduino flavored C++ and I am sharing it on GitHub. (*)I did not design the hardware nor do I offer it for sale. GitHub project main page Instructions for building and usage Features Minor Features Full Menu Map: The Story and the Challenge A while ago I owned a camera that was before bird tracking auto-focus was a well implemented feature, but got super envious when the Sony A1 was released. I ended up adding bird tracking to the camera myself, using a Google Coral to accelerate a simple pretrained neural network to point out birds and move the focusing point around on the camera. That project involved some reverse engineering of the Picture Transfer Protocol (aka. PTP) that is used by Sony between their camera and their PC app. Then I got interested in macro photography. There’s a technique in macro photography called Focus Stacking that I wanted to use but it’s a bit of a pain, some other camera brands offer this features in-camera, but not Sony. Knowing that it can be implemented with some commands over PTP, I wanted to add this feature to the camera as an external accessory. But this time it had to be a tiny battery powered wireless device. Here’s a demo video of Alpha Fairy doing focus…